Victorian Frames

Here you find Victorian frames in color and in black and white.
A lot of them will be in black and white, because I have found those in old books. Others will be colored because they were like that, or I have made them of bits and peaces.

These frames are so beautiful, but not all of them can be restored to a quality we expect for printing or for the internet today.

But those you find here below will be in an excellent quality, and if you need them in an even better quality, please contact me. I might have them saved in a quality that is too large for this page.

Most of these frames will be the size approx. 3,5 x 5 inches if printed with 150 dpi.
Click the frame you like, to choose to see the picture in a new tab.
Then save that one and print it or work with it in whatever way you like.

There are a few rules for using my material, please go to Homepage to read more about that. But as long as you use my clipart for your own private use there are absolutely now limits :-)

            victorian border blue flowers

Victorian Frames with Victorian Flowers


Victorian swirl frame with flowers   

This first section above with old frames is filled with beautiful frames with Victorian flowers and some with ladies Victorian style.

First two frames with pictures of beautiful Victorian ladies, framed with Victorian flowers, blue and red and orange.

The later are with flower drawings and some with beautiful heads of Victorian ladies and especially their fashionable hats..

These hats are almost like flowers, with huge feathers and flower-like decorations.

Then a frame made of pink cherry blossoms and green leaves, the next with roses and white flowers.

Then another frame, with swirls and flowers, and a real Victorian scrapbook frame with flowers and fruits.

              victorian border blue flowers


Black and White Victorian Frames:

Victorian scrapbook frame with leaves  Victorian style frame from old book 
picture frame from 19th century  high Victorian frame 
smaller Victorian frames  classic Victorian frame 
ornamental picture frame  black white flower ornament frame 
dark victorian picture frame  right sided Victorian frame 

As I wrote above, a lot of these black and white picture frames are frames I have found in old books.

I have restored them, but on some you can see that they are made from prints, because these prints has little white spots in them.
I find this is actually charming, because you can see they are from the 19th century, and besides the ornaments are so extremely beautiful.

It is such a pleasure to find and work with these old frames, to find those I can restore and then do it only to make them at their best, not change them.

You simply don't get frames and ornaments so complicated and delicate today, and they will be great to use for Victorian scrapbooking.

If you want to see the real size of the clip art click the frame with Victorian flowers or swirls you like to come to the version of the frame you will get when you save it.

 This last frame is special in the way that I have made it out of Victorian ornaments you can find on the page here on  Find the link to that page shown at the bottom of this page.


              victorian border blue flowers

Victorian Frames:

All these old frames, well at least most of them, have flowers as an element in the decoration.

After all the black white frames I think it will be great with some frames in color.

The first ones are actually some of the black ones, with color added.

red and green flower ornament frame  oval Victorian red frame 
beautiful Victorian scrapbook frame  Indian style Victorian frames 

              victorian border blue flowers

Here is a special kind of Victorian frame, a family photo holder:


               victorian border blue flowers

Where Would You Like to Go Next?

Victorian Silhouette: Beautiful silhouettes of men, women and children. Use them for decorations, scrapbooking and other DIU-stuff. Border and Frames: The main page with an overview of all the pages with borders and frames here on Clipartqueen.
Antique Clipart: With the overview you get on this page you can find exactly  the kind of old clip art you are searching for. Victorian Ornaments: Ornaments and Victorian corner ornaments to use for frames and decorations.


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