All these cards are in a way made as Thanksgiving cartoons, and I hope you like the idea of a funny Thanksgiving because you will also see that a lot of the clipart on the other page here on Clipartqueen has that twist of Thanksgiving humor.
I am quite fond of the thought of the turkey as a detective, trying to solve the sudden increase in the deaths of turkeys, so that is the motive for the next card as well:
This card should be printed in 200 dpi.
The next two cards are simple, but cute.
I think they will be great to send to kids in the family. They should be printed in 300 dpi.
Two more funny Thanksgiving cards with a tough turkey Sheriff.
Print it
with 200 dpi
Another funny Thanksgiving card:
To Greet You!
Dear Friend, if my good wishes for you came
you'd have a good reason for Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Day:
Give Thanks:
For sweet hopes born
for sorrows dead.
For true songs sung
for fond words said.
For the ready cup
for the daily bread
May all your wishes come true
on Thanksgiving Day
Best Wishes for a happy Thanksgiving...
Hope fruits as
well as leaves and flowers
be yours this day.
Happy Thanksgiving
While we indulgre in the prosperity
and pleasures of the present,
let us have high hopes for the
Wishing you a Thanksgiving Harvest
of good luck
and happiness.
May rich blessings, peace
and prosperity
be yours this Thanksgiving Day.
May the harvest of your efforts be abundant.
Thanksgiving Greeting.
I wish you today all that's good.
peaceful Thanksgiving
May wealth be your best friend
happiness without an end.
With a sober gladness the old year
takes up
his bright inheritance of golden fruits.
On this joyous feast day
Happily we'll sing.
thanks for all things
Which the harvest bring.
A Joyful
There's so much to be thankful for
complain and
grumble as we may;
We never stop to realize
the wealth that is
ours today.
Thanksgiving day will soon be here
I hope to meet and
greet you dear.
Best Wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving
To greet you
with all good wishes
for a pleasant
Thanksgiving Day.
Bearing a greeting to you of the Day
A Thanksgiving
May this day fill your heart
with contentment and peace.
May you have a good
old-fashioned Thanksgiving
A heart where peace has place
A hearth where joys abound,
So may you heart and hearth
On Thanksgiving Day be found.
Just a brief word
to make you remember
The happiest day
in all
Thanksgiving Greetings.
May the harvest
bring you
A Thanksgiving Wish:
May love and peace and
within your house abide
and hope's illumination
still your faithful guide.
May your blessings outnumber
the autumn leaves.
Life, labor, love and liberty,
Be thankful for these
And, I am certain, after that
You'll think of many more!
All kind thoughts and good wishes
for a very happy
Thanksgiving Day.
May wealth be your best friend
and happiness without an
On this joyous feast day,
Happily we'll sing.
thanks for all things
Which the harvest brings.
A happy
greet you
and prosperity
meet you.
Thanksgiving bring to you
many blessings
and to your heart the
spirit of Thankfulness.
"Dull clouds
may overcast the sun
the day be dark and
but you will find
if not too blind
around each turkey."
"I'd rather eat some
turkey than to
be one, thick
and fat
and so with all my heart
I'll thankful be for that."
"This Thanksgiving card
to you I've posted
to hope
that your turkey
may be well roasted!"
"Thanksgiving Day is here again
and come this year to
Oh pray receive my wholesome wishes
for well prepared
Thanksgiving dishes."
I found and restored two beautiful vintage Thanksgiving cards, and
here they are.
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