Polar Bear Clip Art and Pictures of Polar Bears

Polar bear clip art and  pictures of polar bears are a lot of fun to collect and print out, as many of the polar bear pictures will be incredibly cute.

Polar bears are some of the cutest winter animals that you can find, though penguins give them a run for their money.

Much of the polar bear clip art that you can find here on this page will be of cute illustrations of polar bears, though there are some very lifelike pictures of polar bears that will make a great addition to your child’s nature book. You can even learn about the animals on the page with polar bear facts as you check out the pictures of polar bears below, and you will find that your child will be fascinated by all the polar bear facts you can find.

You will find a lot of polar bear photos on the other page here with pictures of polar bears, Polar Bear Pictures.

All these polar bear drawings and all the polar bear pictures are to use for free, as long as you follow the two very simple and quite logic rules, that you can find more about on Homepage.

Some of the best polar bear clip art features polar bears indulging winter activities that only humans do. You can find funny pictures of polar bears skiing, building an igloo, making polar bear snowmen, or even giving presents. These funny polar bear pictures will be great to print out, set as your desktop background, or send to friends. They are incredibly cute, and you can have fun with your kids collecting pictures of polar bears and polar bear clip art of the animals doing all your favorite winter activities.

But you will also find polar bear drawings, that even if they are cute, also tells the story of the endangered polar bears.

Polar Bear Clip Art:


polar bear cliip art making snowbear polar bear clip art with cubs sketch
Polar bear making snowbear color polar bear clip art with cubs color

Another trademark of a lot of the pictures of polar bears is that the animals are often wearing some form of winter wear. Just like penguins always wear tuxedoes in funny pictures, polar bears are often wearing a colorful Christmas scarf or a Santa hat. You can also find polar bears wearing a bow tie and looking very formal, or even bears pretending to be Santa.

There are many cute and funny pictures of polar bears wearing human clothes, and these will be perfect to make funny cartoons.

Take a look at this great video:


polar bear clip art sleeping polar bear sleeping polar bear sketch
polar bear clip art with fish pictures of polar bears bear with fish
polar bear clip art playing with cub on ice floe polar bear playing with cub drawing


You can have a lot of fun adding funny captions to pictures of polar bears engaging in many activities, and you can even have a cartoon contest with your family to see who will be able to make the funniest cartoon from the polar bear clip art.

Playing games like this is a great way to pass the time when at home in front of the winter fire, and you will find that your kids can have a lot of fun trying to come up with funny and crazy things for the polar bears in the pictures to be saying.

More Polar Bear Clip Art


endangered polar bears help endangered polar bears sign help
polar bear pictures christmas tree star polar bear decorating Christmas tree sketch
mailman polar bear sketch clip art
polar bear with warm coat clipart polar bear pictures warm coat sketch


Making digital greeting cards to send to your friends and relatives can be a lot of fun, and using the pictures of the cute and funny polar bears can be the perfect way to make a card that will be memorable.

You can use cartoon polar bears as the border of the card, though you will need to shrink the pictures until they are small enough to go around the border.
You can also use the polar bear as the center of your Christmas greeting card, and you will find that working with polar bears can be a great way to make a cute and funny card.

Old polar bear clip art:


arctic fauna polar bear clip art


polar bear clip art ursus maritimus painting 1801

polar bear clip art old drawing polar bear clipart old drawings 1897

Where Would You Like To Go Next?


Animal Clipart: The main page for all the pages here with animal clipart, with an overview. Polar Bear Pictures: Wonderful photos of polar bears, eating, swimming, playing.


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