Pictures of Flowers of Different Colors

On this page with flower pictures you will find some of the best photos I have taken of flowers over the last years.

Actually there is another page on this site with photos of flowers, Flower Pics, but I found that I have so many beautiful flower pictures that I simply had to make one more page.

I have tried to split the photos into series of flowers of different colors, and then there will be some pictures of flowers with several colors.
I do have some problems in distinguishing between purple, pink and red, so take a look and see what you can find.

All the photos you find here are larger when you save them, some a lot larger, some just a little. When you click the picture you will see the real size in a new tab. This is the picture you will get when you click the download button.

The flower pictures will all be great to use for a lot of purposes:

You can use them for gift tags, for decorating boxes or books, for making beautiful cards, and I guess a lot more.

They are all free for you to use, you just have to follow the very simple rules for using my material that you will find on Homepage.

Pictures of Red Flowers:



Lots of red flowers red flower with yellow stamens
pink fluffy flowers picture of lots of pink flowers
red red tulip picture of tulip
Rosehip photo Lots of red tulips
purple red flower red red rose
red flower with heart shaped leaves  

I have made this page with the flowers in different colors because I found that I myself often looking for a red flower, or a picture of a blue flower, to match the rest of the decoration I am making for an invitation or a party.

This way I hope to make it easier for everyone to find exactly what they are looking for.

Pictures of Bluish Flowers:

round blue flowers  

Pictures of Orange Flowers:


Pictures of Pink/Soft Red Flowers:

pink rose with dewdrops Pink bindweed
soft red poppy close up picture of soft red poppy
pink rhododendron soft red poppy in bloom


Pictures of White Flowers:

two round flowers Cherry flowers in bloom
white flowers against blue sky snow drops
lots of snow drops blanket of anemones in spring
White bindweed Picture of water lily
Daisy white rose
lots of white roses white roses blooming
white daisies close up white daisies

Pictures of Yellow Flowers:

Tulip photo yellow orange Narcissus
Yellow Geranium picture Yellow Poppy
bright yellow flower small yellow flowers
aconite picture
yellow pansies in bloom
close up photo yellow flower
yellow and red lily

Pictures of Purple/Indigo Flowers:

picture of purple thistle flower thistle flower with bee
purple roses purple blooming flower
lavender flower lavender fiels
close up of butterfly bush butterfly bush


Where Would You Like to Go Next?

Flower Clipart:  The main page for flowers, with an overview of all the flower related pages here on Clipartqueen. Flower Gallery: Pictures of flowers with transparent background, easy to use on top of other pictures or backgrounds.
Pictures of Roses: Wonderful photos of roses in different colors. Flower Borders and Frames: Borders and frames with flowers, for invitations, gift cards and all kinds of decorations.
Flower Pics: Beautiful photos of flowers. Flower Sketches: Black and white drawings of flowers.

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