I have collected so many beautiful pictures of birds, so I think I am going to make two pages with bird photos.
This page will mainly consist of photos of smaller birds. Since I am not a bird expert, this concept with smaller birds has to be taken rather lightly.
The other page on this website with photos of birds will be called Bird Pictures, and (again taken very lightly) it will be a page where you will mostly find bigger birds.
You can also visit a page with clipped bird clip art, Bird Clip Art.
Most of these beautiful bird photos are larger than they appear here
on this page.
When you find a picture you like, right click it
and choose to see the original picture in a new tap.
download that one to your computer.
Bird picture | Bird clip art |
Yellow rumped Warbler | Wood trush |
Bird photos | Bird photos |
Yellow Warbler attends to nest | Yellow headed Blackbird |
Cuban grassquit male | Cuban grassquit female |
On this website, Clipartqueen.com, I have made a main page for all the pictures of the different animals, Pictures of Animals, and there you will find an overview of all the pages with really great photos of all kinds of animals: Elephants, Dolfins, Cheetahs, you name it!
For a lot of these picture pages I have also made a connected page with facts about the animal in case, and sometimes even a page with clip art of that animal.
Please visit the main page for facts about these animals, Animal Facts.
You can use all my pictures and clip art for free, and if you use it for your own personal purpose, like letters, invitations, table cards, gift cards and alikes, there are no limitations.
If you like to use it for your website or any commercial use, please go to my Homepage to read more about the rules for using my material.
These rules are made to make it very easy for you, so I think you will find they are very common sense and simple.
When you look at a bird, you are essentially looking at an
ancestor of the dinosaurs that began evolving during the
Mesozoic Era.
Unbelievably, birds and dinosaurs share many
of the same skeletal and anatomical features. In addition,
more than 15 flying dinosaur species have been unearthed with
imprints of feathers clearly visible on sedimentary rock.
BBirds and reptiles both have scales covering their feet,
as well as possessing similar respiratory systems.
containing pulmonary air sacs permitted dinosaurs to force air
in and out of their lungs twice instead of once as practiced
in mammals.
Present-day birds exhibit this trait as well.
Bird photos | Bird photos |
Prairie Warbler | Pine Grosbeak |
Clip art pictures | Bird clip art |
Red Crossbil | Red headed Woodpecker |
Clip art pictures | Bird clip art |
American Treesparrow | Loggerhead |
Northern Mockingbird |
I have collected these few bird poems to maybe go with the
You can find lots of poems about birds, but
these are my favorites.
"Today winter
Tomorrow spring
Can't wait for
the birds
to come out and sing"
As Exile
"The Himalayan legend
there are beautiful white birds
that live
completely in flight.
They are born in the air,
must learn to fly before falling
and die also in their
Maybe you have been born
into such a life
with the bottom dropping out."
–from "In
Flight" by Jennifer K. Sweeney
"Birds, birds,
flying high
surfing in the
freedom everywhere
from the tip of their beak
to the edge of their wings
looking down at the earth
they see mystery, beauty and confusion
lets fly higher
and touch the sky"
As Ecstasy
"High there, how he
rung upon the rein of a wimpling wing
In his ecstasy!
then off, off forth on swing,
As a skate’s heel sweeps
smooth on a bow-bend: the hurl and gliding
the big wind. My heart in hiding
Stirred for a
bird,—the achieve of; the mastery of the thing! "
"The Windhover" by Gerard Manley Hopkins
You can find some of these pictures on http://www.photolib.noaa.gov/collections.html
and some on Wikimedeia.org
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