This page, Lion Pictures - Lion Photos, provides you with series of great pictures of lions. Lions eating, lions playing with their cubs, male lions, female lions, African lions, Asiatic lions, you name it. You can use these pictures for free, go to Homepage to read more about that.
The photos of lions you find here will be fine to use together with the lion facts you can find on the page Lion Facts, or maybe you will enjoy having a look at the drawings at Lion Clipart.
Together with the facts about lions you can find on the page Lion Facts you will have all you need for a project, whether you are a child or an adult.
You can use the photos of lions for so many things. For letters, invitations, for your website, scrapbooks. Also for table cards and gift cards.
All these lion photos are yours to use for free, as long as you do not overuse it, and you do not use it for any negative purpose. Please go to Homepage to read more about how you may use these great pictures of lions.
You will find pictures of many other animals on this website. Have a look at the main pages Animal Pictures and Animal Clipart to see what other animal pictures or animal clipart you can choose.
When you find a picture you like, you can click it to see the real size in a new tab. This is the picture you get when you use the download button.
Beautiful picture of male lion at sunset |
Photo of big male African lion |
Photo of big male lion sleeping |
Three lion cubs tired after playing |
As you can see on the pictures below, there are several lion cubs in the family.
The females take care of all the kids in the crowd, even those who
are not their own.
After six months the pups are weaned, and
they come hunting with the others. (In this case they don't go
hunting, but learn to eat meat)
In the wild, only after two
years, the young lions have learned enough to be able to catch their
A full grown lion can eat up to 30 kg meat in one meal.
The pictures here are small, but click on the picture and come to the much, much bigger version. Download that picture by using the "download button".
Because these pictures are so large, it might take a little time to upload them.
Beautiful big lion cubs | Big lion cubs |
Female lions and lion cubs | Lion family picture |
Lion cubs playing | Two big lion cubs picture |
I have made these big photos above because a lot of people asked for big lion pictures to use for decorations for their kids rooms. - But actually I have made a lot of the other pictures of lions bigger, too.
Some of these pictures I have found at the website here, where you can find a lot of other photos.
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