Human Body Diagram - Medical Clipart

This page Human Body Diagram - Medical Clipart is going to be a page with lots of drawings of the human body, with the skeleton, with muscles, lungs, heart, and with and without designations.

The medical clip art will often be in three or four different versions. As I already wrote, with and without designation, and in color, maybe in both versions.

First of all I will give you a medical image, which is the the contour of the human body. Then you have the possibility to fill in yourself the organs you want to describe .

IMPORTANT: I have to say that I can't take responsibility for your use of my drawings and designations.
I am not trained in anatomy, and the drawings and designations are all made after drawings and medical images in different books or on the internet. 
So if you have to use it for a project, assignments, papers and such, you have to make sure yourself that the designations are ok.

You can also visit my other pages with medical clipart, maybe especially the page with older drawings of human body diagram, Medical Clip Art, or the page Medical Clipart, with mostly my own drawings and pictures.

human body diagram contour



You can use the medical clipart for free, as long as you follow the very simple rules, I have described on Homepage. Actually the rules are just common sense, I want it to be very easy for you to use my material.

So be free to use these drawings for school projects, mails, letters, and more. But of course these anatomy pictures will mostly be of good use in projects such as school assignments, medical papers, school papers and school problems.

If you need more medical images, please be free to go to the pages Medical Clipart medical clipart pillsand later Medical Clip Art (I know the titles are almost the same, but the content will be different) and later again the page Medical Cartoons.




Human Body Diagram


human body diagram sceleton human body diagram muscles
human body diagram designation medical clip art muscles diagram designation
medical clipart lungs heart intestine human body diagram heart lungs intestine
body diagram front body diagram from the back
left side of thorax surface anatomy of the back

Anatomy Pictures


Human heart diagram human heart diagram color deficiant
Medical images sectional view of the skin human body diagram skin designation

Where would you like to go next?


Human body Medical cartoons
Medical clipart Medical images


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