Here you will find Groundhog Day printables like mazes
and Groundhog Day clipart. There will even be a couple of Groundhog
Day greeting cards.
I don't think I had heard about the celebration of Groundhog Day before seeing
the movie of that same name, "Groundhog Day", from 1993 with Bill Murray.
This movie made the day known worldwide, and a whole world has taken
Groundhog Day to their hearts.
The Origin of Groundhog Day:
When you look into the history of Groundhog Day you find that
celebrating the Groundhog Day started originally in ancient Europe, with
similarities to an other weather lore where a badger or a bear would be the
prognosticator of the weather to come.
Groundhog Day also share common ground
with a Pagan feast "Imbolc", which was the seasonal turning point in the Celtic
calendar, the 1st of February, and which also involved weather prognostication
(I guess you will always want to know that the end of the winter is imminent,
especially when you come to February and the winter seems endless).
The celebration of Groundhog Day the 2nd of February was brought to USA with the European immigrants, and is today celebrated
mainly in USA and Canada.
Groundhog clipart
because of the movie, it is a holiday that is part of many peoples
awareness. 2nd of February, Candlemas Day, is the day when the
groundhog peeps out of his winter quarters.
If he does not cast a
shadow, (because the weather is cloudy) winter is coming to an
end, and the groundhog stays out.
If on the other hand the
groundhog sees his own shadow on the ground, he retreats to his cave,
and the winter will go on for at least 14 days.
You can read more about the history of Groundhog Day
A groundhog dressed for
winter PNG |
It's fun to draw groundhogs, so here you will find Groundhog
Day Clipart to use for invitations, mails, scrapbooks, websites,
school projects and a lot more.
The groundhogs you can see above and to the right and
below are bigger in the original drawing, which you can find if you click the picture.
This is the version you get when you use the download-button.
The one to the right and the one below are saved in PNG, with transparent
I will show you later how you can use this groundhog
clipart for greeting cards or fun messages.
Cute Groundhog Day Clipart
About the limitations for using my material, please go to
Homepage. There are only two rules, and
they are actually only common sense.
Groundhog Day Printables for Groundhog Day 2023:
Spring is
coming early groundhog clipart |
Happy Groundhog Day |
Groundhog Day Clipart |
Groundhog Day Graphics |
Groundhog removing shadow |
Groundhog and no shadow |
Groundhog Day Graphics |
Groundhog Day Clipart |
Groundhog cup cake |
Groundhog looking at shadow |
Groundhog Day Graphics |
Groundhog Day Clipart |
Waving groundhog |
Groundhog with umbrella |
Groundhog Day printable |
Happy Groundhog Day
Greeting |
Groundhog day printable with snowdrop |
Happy Groundhog Day Greeting |
Public Domain Groundhog Day Clipart
Funny Groundhog Day printable clipart JPEG, AI |
Happy Groundhog Day greeting, AI |
Groundhog Day Clipart JPEG, AI |
Groundhog Clipart,
AI |
Groundhog printable
clipart AI |
Free printable
Groundhog clipart AI |
Groundhog Day Fun Sayings:
Here are two poems about Candlemas Day (Groundhog
Day) and the prognostication of the weather, one made for the
occas ion that the Candlemas day is sunny and clear, the other one
taking into account both options:
If Candle-mas Day is bright and clear,
There'll be two winters in the year."
Candlemas be fair and bright,
Winter has another flight.
If Candlemas brings clouds and rain
Winter will not come again."
If you are more into the Groundhog Day thing than the Candlemas Day
thing, it should be very easy to change the words in the poems from
Candlemas to Groundhog :-)
Funny Groundhog Day
clipart |
Groundhog clipart for
Groundhog Day |
popping up from the snow |
Groundhog Day
printable |
The groundhog looks so nice and
cute, but I don't think it would be such a good idea to try to hug
It should be possible to socialize groundhogs kept in
captivity, but a zookeeper, Doug Schwartz, who is also a groundhog
dog trainer in Staten Islands Zoo has said about the Groundhog:
They’re known for their aggression, so you’re starting from a hard place.
Their natural impulse is to kill ’em all and let God sort ’em out.
You have to work to produce the sweet and cuddly."
But as I said, they look so cute, and here comes a little
cute poem to go with the pictures:
"I'm a little
Fat and brown
I live in my den
Under the ground.
If I see my shadow,
Then I know
We'll have six more
of snow."
Groundhog Day Cards:
Here I have made a card out of the groundhog drawing above,
and you can use it in the same way, or make the groundhog say other
things. Use it in letters, with mails, and whatever you can think
Click the picture to see the larger
version in another tab. Use the download button to save and then print it.
A Groundhog printable
where there is no shadow |
One more card you can send for Groundhog Day.
You might not
have a tradition for sending cards for this Holiday, but then you
can start now.
In this cold months it will get a warm welcome.
A cute and funny Groundhog
day card |
Why not use this Holiday, the Groundhog Day, as an excuse for
inviting family or friends to a Groundhog Day dinner, or maybe even
a party?
The weather is normally cold and wet and windy, so
what is more appropriate than being together with friends in a warm
home, sharing a meal, having a cozy time?
So here is a
Groundhog Day Invitation you can use:
Free Groundhog Day
invitation |
Groundhog Day Printables:
You will find a maze for Groundhog Day on the blog, and here are
three other mazes.
If you print it in 150 dpi, it should fit the size of
an A4 paper.
I think the round one is for older children and
adults, the other two are for kids.
Click these
mazes to come to the larger version in another tab, this is the one you get by using the download button.
Groundhog Day Maze |
Maze for Groundhog Day |
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Spring Clipart: |
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