Funny Clip Art

Here you will find many different kinds of  free funny clip art, funny graphics, funny drawings.

It is all free funny illustrations. Please go to Homepage to read more about the very, very few rules for using my material.

I have also made a page with party clipart, and because I didn't quite know where to put it in this system, I found that this main page with funny graphics might be the best place. So under this page you can also find Party Clip clip art juggling clown

Actually there are many pages here, that, although they belong to lets say animal clipart, some of the drawings there certainly are also funny drawings.

That would be pages like the ones with funny drawings of pumpkins, polar bears, snowmen, monkeys, groundhogs or owl.

Actually there are so many pages, that you better take a look both at the overview and down below on this page to see if there is something you would like to have a closer look at. - Well, there are a lot of pages, but on the other hand, this site is also called Funny clip and Cool drawings.

In time there will be  funny turtle drawings, funny cartoon cows,  cartoon elephants and even cartoon kangaroos.

For now you can go to the page Cartoon drawings of animals, which will provide you with cute cartoon animals and cartoon animal clip art. Or you can go to Funny monkey drawingsfunny monkey drawings gorilla and Funny Dogs.

You can jump directly to some great sections below if you click here:

Overview of funny clip art pages, click HERE!

Other subject you can find below:

Holiday Paper Crafts Using Funny Graphics

Easter Cards for Kids to Make

Christmas Decoupage Plate

Thanksgiving Recipe Cards

Mother's Day Memory Cube

Invitations for Kids Using Funny Clip Art

Humorous Birthday Cards for Older People

Ideas for creating birthday cards

Educational Uses for Clipart

funny clip art kangaroo fairyfunny clip art bear goodnightfunny clip art she bear flower

Overview of Funny Clip Art Pages:

You can look at all the drawings and pictures and pick what you like, to use in letters, e-mails, websites, invitations, scrapbooks etc.



funny clip art border with cartoon animals



FUNNY MONKEY DRAWINGS:Border of funny monkey





border with funny clip art dogs



funny clip art border party clipart



vintage clip art border 


SNOWMAN CLIPART:border with funny snowman clip art


funny St. Patrick's Day clip art


funny picture quotes examples


      funny clip art small smilesy        embarrassed smiley clipart     funny top hat smiley clipart        smiley face with one tooth       funny clown smiley face


With so many ways to integrate funny clip art into just about any project, no one should need to purchase items such as party invitations, greeting cards, scrapbook accessories or educational supplements.

By having access to funny graphics, a printer and printing paper, anyone can create delightfully unique and original items that enhance any type of situation. Everybody loves viewing funny drawings of people, animals and scenes, especially when these chuckle-inducing images decorate homemade birthday party invitations or greeting cards that are specially meant just for them.

The free funny clip art will be in either GIF/PNG or JPEG, which means that: if they are in GIF or PNG then they are with transparent background, and you can place them on any background that you choose. The only bad thing about that is that the quality is sometimes a little less good than if they are in JPEG.

polar bear clip art resting polar bear

If the funny drawings are in JPEG, then the quality is better, but you will have to live with the white background. Most of the time that will not be a problem at all, as long as you  use them on something white.

To help you choose, I will write if they are in JPEG, GIF or PNG (when I remember).

There are only two limitations for using my funny graphics, and those two limitations are just pure common sense. You can find the precise description on Homepage.

From here you can also jump to the page Snowman Clipart with funny and cute snowman pictures.

Cute funny dog Website owners can use funny graphics to enrich websites that involve jokes, comedic sayings and other amusing anecdotes as well. Individuals operating joke sites can find free funny clip art of laughing cartoon animals or make small humorous animations that vividly enhance the jocularity of the webpage.

Educational websites for children also benefit from developers who place free funny clip art in between and around informative paragraphs that helps keep children interested in reading the text or performing assignments without procrastinating.

Holiday Paper Crafts Using Funny Graphics


Halloween Cauldron Candy Dish

For this project, you will need:

halloween pumpkin• One clean plastic container, for example a margarine container works nice
• Black acrylic paint
• Three small Styrofoam balls
• Elmer's glue
• Super glue
• Funny clip art related to Halloween
• Black pipe cleaner

Paint the container and Styrofoam balls black and let them dry. After both have dried, glue the balls onto the bottom of the container with superglue. Also, glue the piper cleaner to the container to make a handle, using the super glue as well. Decorate the outside of the container with funny graphics such as white skeletons or cartoon red devils. Add Halloween candy and serve at your Halloween party.

Easter Cards for Kids to Make

The supplies for this holiday project are:

easter bunny clip art• Pastel-colored card stock
• Cotton balls
• Small craft “eyes”
• Markers
• Rabbit figure template
• Pink felt

Trace the rabbit template onto a piece of card stock. Fold the paper in half to make a card and cut out the shape of the rabbit. Glue a cotton ball on the rabbit for a tale and cut oval shapes from the pink felt that are slightly smaller than the ears to use as the inside of the ears. Draw whiskers and mouth with a black marker. Decorate the inside of the card with free funny clip art, such as cartoon ducks, baby bunnies, eggs and Easter baskets.

Christmas Decoupage Plate

For this interesting project you will need:

christmas clipart tree with star• One clear glass plate, any size
• Foam brushes
• Decoupage glue
• Gold leaf foil kit
• Metallic gold spray paint
• Polyurethane
• Funny graphics related to Christmas

Instructions for the crafter:

• Make sure the plate is clean of all residues before beginning this project or the pictures may not stick properly.

• Place a large piece of wax paper under the plate so that chemicals do not damage the area underneath the plate

• Start by gluing your funny clip art to the back of the plate using foam brushes and decoupage glue.

• When finished, turn the plate over and look through the glass to see if any bubbles are visible. If so, smooth them out until you cannot see any other imperfections.

• Let the plate thoroughly dry for at least 12 hours.

• Remove any excess glue by wiping it off with a Q-tip dipped in nail polish remover or water. If excess glue is evident around the funny graphics, use a toothpick to gently scrape it away

• Read the instructions for the gold leafing kit, this is available at craft stores. Cover the plain side of the plate with foil adhesive and then paint over this with gold leaf. Let dry for 12 hours.

• Tape the front edge of the plate before spraying the back with gold paint. Apply another coat of gold paint after the first coat has dried.

• Cover the gold side of the place with polyurethane as the final step in making this delightful plate.

Thanksgiving Recipe Cards

This makes a nice gift to a bride from a mother or mother-in-law.

You will need:

thanksgiving turkey running• Index cards; the amount depends how many recipes you have to share
• Funny drawings or other free funny clip art printed out in color
• Glue
• Gel pens
• A container meant to hold three by five index cards

Write ingredients and instructions for recipes you frequently use at Thanksgiving. Include vegetable dishes, desserts, tips on making creamy mashed potatoes and homemade pumpkin pies and any other recipe you want to give to a daughter or daughter-in-law.

Glue one or two funny graphics on each card such as dancing cartoon turkeys, pilgrims and other funny clip art associated with Thanksgiving.

You can also print a sheet of paper decorated with Thanksgiving clipart and use it to wrap the recipe box.

Mother's Day Memory Cube

Use any kind of funny free clip art to decorate this charming Mother's Day present.  :

happy mothers day super mom• Styrofoam cube
• Pink tissue paper
• Colored straight pins
• Assorted funny graphics printed and cut to fit on cube sides
• Glue
• Photo of child

After wrapping the cube in tissue paper and securing the paper with glue, stick three or four pins into the top of the cube to use as note holders. Glue the child's photo on one side of the cube and decorate the other sides with cute clipart of anything funny. Children can leave the cube along with one long-stemmed rose on mom's desk or on the kitchen table where she will be sure to see it.

Invitations for Kids Using Funny Clip Art

Making personalized invitations are much nicer than purchasing invitations that all look the same. With the wide variety of funny clip art found on this site, you can create invitations for any party theme, such as:

fairy kangaroo• Butterflies
• Puppies and kittens
• Dinosaurs
• Fairy princess
• Penguins
• Barnyard animals

Depending on the theme of the party, cut shapes out of cardstock and glue appropriate free funny clip art onto the invitations. For example, if butterflies are the theme, print out a template of a butterfly and cut invitations in this shape. Decorate with humorous birthday clipart and include when, where and what time the party begins along with any other relevant information. Attach pipe cleaners for antennae and line wing edges with glitter glue as well.

Humorous Birthday Cards for Older People


Find funny drawings of senior citizens to use when making homemade birthday cards meant for those over 40 and include funny messages such as:

• What would happen if a horse tried to tap out your age with its leg? Its leg would break!

• Happy birthday--Remember to smile a lot while you still have a mouthful of teeth!

• Wait until I call the fire department before you blow out your candles!

• It is better to be "over the hill" than to be buried in it.

• Did you know people get wiser with age? You are one of the wisest people I know!

Ideas for creating birthday cards with funny clip art include:

funny clip art octopus• Applying cartoon dog images to cardstock and writing on the card, "Have you heard the doggone news? It's your birthday"!

• Paste funny graphics of cows and include the message "Party on your birthday 'til the cows come home.”

• For a belated birthday card, find funny drawings of peanuts, walnuts or any other type of nut and include the message "Awww, nuts! I forgot your birthday"

• Find a humorous clipart image of an octopus with its tentacles spread around him, paste it on the front of the card and draw a tree in such a way that it looks like the octopus is hanging from the tree. Add the message "Hang in there, it's your birthday"1

The possibilities for creating unique funny birthday cards are endless with the amount of funny graphics that is available for printing.

Educational Uses for Clipart

Preschool and elementary teachers, as well as moms who home school, can make valuable use of funny drawings in educational presentations or worksheets. Young children remember information better when it is associated with vivid and memorable imagery, especially mathematical material.

Printing math problems that incorporate pictures of cartoon animals rather than just numbers makes learning how to count, add and subtract fun for children. Funny graphics that are comprised of just lines allow children to color as they learn how to perform mathematical equations.

Flashcards are useful when preschoolers are learning how to count. Teachers can make their own flashcards using card stock and funny graphics of animals. For example, paste four pictures of cartoon mice on the number "4" flashcard, with the clipart on one side and the number "4" on the other side. Children can also learn the names of different animals by pasting free funny clip art of animals on small poster boards and hanging them in the classroom.

Funny drawings can provide hours of creative enjoyment for the arts and crafts buff as well as stimulate children into learning and enjoying the process of learning as well. Explore your imaginative side by using free funny clip art to make all sorts of fun and useful items.


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Places to go to read about how to make cards etc:

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