Welcome to this page, where you can find some great free Easter printables. They are excellent Easter activities for the children. Some of the printables will be in color, most of them in black and white, which makes it easier to photocopy them for Easter parties.
There will be preschool printables, kids indoor activities and printable kindergarten activities.
You can find some coloring pages on the page Easter Coloring Pages.If you want some free Easter Clipart, go to the pages Easter Clip Art and Easter Bunny Clipart.
The first pages with free printable Easter activities consists
of some great and funny pages, with dot to dot printables, mazes, puzzles and a lot more, all connected to
Easter, for slightly older children - preschool children and children in the 1. grade.
dot to dot pages will have dots numbered up to around the number 20, and there are
pages with the numbers that train the kids in the numbers1, 2 and 3,
plus puzzles with the numbers.
collection of preschool printables is in black and white.
You can download them and print them for free. There are only two rules for using my material, and they are quite easy to follow, but as long as you only use it for your own personal use, or for maybe a school class and kindergarten, it's free and you can use as much as you like. Please go to Homepage to read more about it.
This next printable Easter activities consists of some pages for indoor activities for kids, Easter printable kindergarten activities.
There are dot to dot printables, mazes and a lot more, fun to use as printable kindergarten
activities, for having a fun time at home with your children and for
having an Easter children party.
The printables are in black and white, and
all the pages can be used to color as well as solving the puzzle.
I hope that you will have many fun, educational and entertaining moments with your children, using these Easter printables.
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