Christmas Clip Art Borders

           christmas clip art borders holly
Here are Christmas clip art borders of all kinds.

They are all free, and you can use them on Christmas cards, invitation, gift cards, tags for Christmas presents and place cards.

To read about the rules for using my clip art, please go to Homepage.

Below on this page you will find picture links to all other pages here on Clipartqueen relevant to this one, so please take a look.

You can right click the picture to save it to your computer, or you can click it to see it in a new tab.
Also, if there is a "download" button below the picture you can use that to save the clip art.

Free Christmas Clip Art Borders:

free christmas clip art corner border holly    holly free christmas clip art borderholly free christmas clip art border 2

This is a Christmas border with holly, 3 different pictures, you can put together as you like.

Apart from the holly borders above, lets start with some simple Christmas borders and Christmas dividers:

christmas heart border
border with Santa Claus and reindeer
Christmas tree border
Christmas clip art border spruce hearts 
free Christmas clip art border presents 

As you can see I have written above each of these Christmas clip art whether they are made in JPEG or PNG format.

The borders in JPEG format come with the white background.

The borders in PNG have a transparent background, so they can be used on top of other pictures, and on top of different colors (also white, of course :-)). 

Funny and Short Christmas Sayings:

Dear Santa,

This year, please give me
a fat bank account and a slim body.
And please don't mix those two up
like you did last year.

Merry Christmas

"At Christmas, play
and make good cheer,
for Christmas comes but
once a year."
~ Thomas Tusser

“There are some people
who want to throw their arms round you
simply because it is Christmas;
there are other people who want to strangle you
simply because it is Christmas.”
~  Robert Staughton Lynd

“Do give books – religious or otherwise
– for Christmas.
They’re never fattening, seldom sinful,
and permanently personal.”
~  Lenore Hershey

“A lovely thing about Christmas is
that it’s compulsory,
like a thunderstorm,
and we all go through it together.”
~  Garrison Keillor

Printable Christmas Frames



More Christmas Clip Art Borders:

christmas bauble border 
Christmas lights border 
Chrismas flower border clip art 
Polar bear border with Christmas hats 

Christmas Dividers:

More Christmas Sayings

"Probably the reason we all go
so haywire at Christmas time
with the endless unrestrained
and often silly buying of gifts
is that we don’t quite know
how to put our love into words.”
~  Harlan Miller

“People are so worried about
what they eat between Christmas and New Year,
but they really should be worried about
what they eat between the New Year and Christmas.”

“I wish we could put up some of the Christmas spirit
in jars and open a jar of it every month.”
~ Harlan Miller

“There are some people
who want to throw their arms round you
simply because it is Christmas;
there are other people
who want to strangle you
simply because it is Christmas.”
~  Robert Staughton Lynd

“Do give books – religious or otherwise
– for Christmas.
They’re never fattening,
seldom sinful,
and permanently personal.”
~  Lenore Hershey

Christmas Frames and Christmas Clip Art Borders:

Cute Christmas border with cat PNG Christmas border with holy leaves and berries PNG 
cute Christmas border cat Christmas border holy leaves berries 
Christmas frame with holly 
free Christmas border with holly berries and leaves  Christmas border tree cats 

“Did you ever notice that life seems
to follow certain patterns?
Like I noticed that every year
around this time,
I hear Christmas music.”
~ Tom Sims

“A lovely thing about Christmas is
that it’s compulsory,
like a thunderstorm,
and we all go through it together.”
~  Garrison Keillor

“I wish we could put up
some of the Christmas spirit
in jars
and open a jar of it every month.”
~ Harlan Miller

Some more Christmas borders with Santa, Christmas bells and candles:

Where Would You Like to Go Next?


Christmas Clip Art: Cute and funny and cozy Christmas graphics - they are free and you can use them for almost anything. Christmas Gnome Clipart: A page with lots of different Christmas gnomes.
Free Christmas Clipart: Also free, just another page with Christmas clipart. Christmas Cards: Funny and genuine Christmas Cards for you.
Santa Claus Clip Art: Santa drawings and Santa cut-outs. Vintage Santa and Santa dolls. Christmas Tree Clipart: Drawings and clip art of Christmas trees to use for invitations, gift cards and decorations.
Vintage Christmas Clipart: Find your cute Christmas clip art for your greetings and cards here.  Christmas Coloring Pages: Lots of printable coloring pages with holy, cute animals, Santa Claus, Christmas trees and presents. 
Snowman Coloring Pages: Funny and wonderful coloring pages of snowmen and snowwomen.  


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