Cat Clip Art, Cat Sketches, Cat Drawings and Graphics

cat clip art border with different cats

This page, Cat Clip Art, is one of the first pages I made on this website. I like most animals, and being the happy owner of two cats, it wasn't that difficult to decide the subject. 

cat clip art pepes my beautiful catWell,  maybe it would be more correct to say that I live in happy co-existence with two cats. This one (below) is one of them, Pepe.

And the other one below is her sister Tumle (Pepe is a she cat, in spite of the name - we sometimes call her Pepita). The two sister cats are of very different mien and temperament. Both are super cute, though. And very friendly and sociable.

cat clip art lying cat tumle 

But apart from pictures of these two cats, on this page you will find pictures of other cats, and some cat drawings, cat sketches, and cat graphics as well. Even drawings of cat paws and a lot of cat silhouettes.

Cat clip art is absolutely adorable, and you'll love decorating using the cute, funny, cartoonish images below. You can use the images to make a collage with your kids, or use the cartoon images for fun decorations. The sky and your creativity are the limit when it comes to using cat clip art for decorating and craft projects.

If you are in the mood for some funny quotes about dogs and cats, I can recommend the page Funny Cat Quotes and Funny Dog Sayings

I have also made a page with coloring pages to print with cat drawings, Cat Coloring Pages, and the drawings you can find there, sizes to fit a A4, you will also find here, just much smaller:

Cat Clip Art with funny and cute cats:


A lot of the clipart here is a good deal larger than you see them here. If you click the picture, a new window opens with the original clip art, which is what you get when you use the download button.

small cute kitten black white cat eating a fish with knife and fork cat hunting butterfly sketch
small cute kitten white brown cat eating a fish clipart cat hunting butterfly clipart

You can find more of these colored cat drawings below.

If you want to find drawings of paws of other animals, please go to paw prints clipart.

Here are a few ways to get creative with the cat clip art:

Cat Action Collage

 Want to teach your small child about action verbs? In the cat clip art gallery on this page, you'll find that there are many pictures of cats doing common activities - such as sitting, eating, fishing, taking a bath, etc.
You can print these pictures out and paste them one a piece of paper, and have your child write the actions beneath the pictures of the cat. To make it even more fun, they can color in the images - giving you a few moments of peace and quiet as they color.

Cat House Decorations

Making a cat house out of cardboard or wood can be a lot of fun, but often it will just look too plain.
You can make little stencils to decorate the cat house with, using the cat clip art below. Look for the silhouette pictures of the cats, and choose one or two that you like. Print them out onto a piece of hard card stock, and use a cutting blade to cut the silhouette out from the cardstock around it.
Now you have a stencil that you can use as you spray paint colorful cats onto the outside of your new cat house.

One more Simon's cat video for you:


More Cat Pictures:


tortoise colored kitten cat clipart Chartreux Bonheur with snow
two three color kittens on pillow


Funny cat video:



Cat Drawings and Scrap Images:


fishing cat sketch cat fishing with fishnet
clip art kitten sketch
very cute kitten drawing
cat catching butterflies sketch
cat catching butterflies clipart 
scrap image of white cat with red bow kitten with ball
cat with yarn image
vintage scrap of cat spinning

When I restored these last two vintage scrap images of the cat playing cello and the cat spinning, I wondered why they had once made an image of a cat spinning. Until I realized that both graphics have a double meaning in Danish:
In Danish spinning an purring is the same word, so that on makes sense.
A cat musician is playing cat music, which would translate to caterwauling.

But double meaning or not, they are still some very cute clipart images :-).

More creative ideas:

Cat Clothes Painting 

If you are having fun with fabric paints with your kids, you'll find that the cat clip art here can help you to draw cats on your kids' clothes.
Simply print out the silhouettes of the cats, and cut around them with a pair of scissors. Place the cut-out cats onto the cloth, and your kids can use the fabric paints to trace around them.
They can even fill in the details of the cat's body with the paints, and they'll have cute little cats on their clothes!

Halloween Decorations 

When it comes to Halloween, few decorations are as spooky as black cats. You can print out a few dozen of the cat clip art pictures below, and use them to decorate your house.
For example, have a handful of cat silhouettes chasing mice silhouettes, or use a hole punch to hang pictures of black cats from the ceiling.
Get creative with the black cat decorations, and you can make your Halloween a truly spoooooooooky one!

You'll find that the cat clip art on this page can be used for just about anything you want, so get creative with it and come up with fun projects to do with your kids. You'll love the versatility of the cat clip art, and there's so much that you can do if you'll plan ahead.

All of the cat clip art here is free to use, so have fun downloading it and using it for your kids' projects. If you want to use it for commercial use or a website, please read the rules on Homepage.

 Cat graphics :


Cat Silhouettes:


silhouette of hunting cat  silhouette of sitting cat 
sitting cat silhouette black  cat looking to the left silhouette 
black silhouette of cat for halloween 
black silhouette of cat  fat black cat silhouette 
cat silhouette sitting male cat silhouette
attentive cat silhouette cat with long tail silhouette
cat clip art silhouette silhouette of walking cat
cat playing silhouette cat looking up silhouette
cat relaxed

Here follows the older cat graphics, some in GIF, some JPEG. The quality is not as good as I would like it, but unfortunately I haven't saved the originals, so I cannot change them.

They are still cute, though, and useable for the internet.

Older cat illustrations:


cat clip art kitten in hand  cat-clip-art-black kat Kitten with diamonds 
cat-clip-art-kitten-2 cat clip art ginger  cat clip art cat taking a bath 
black and white kitten clip art  catclipart-abyssiner
cat-clip-art-back cat clip art sitting cat  cat-clip-art-paws-in-the-snow
cat-clip-art-head-black cat clip art pepe looking at me  cat-clip-art-ginger-vanilla
cat-clip-art-british-shorthair-2 cat-clip-art-kitten-longhaired cat-clip-art-pillow-kitten
cat-clip-art-red-cat cat-clip-art-fat-cat-drawing cat paw prints clip art 
cat clip art kitten  cat-clip-art-paws cat-clip-art-hunting
clip-art-striped-cat lying cat tumle clip art  cat-clip-art-brown-cat

two three colored kittens on pillow four small kittens on pillow
cat clip art two grey kittens looking at you red-kittens-held-in-hand

Where Would You Like to Go Next?

Animal Clipart:   This is the main page for all the animal clipart with an overview that makes it easy to find exactly what you are looking for (and maybe more) Cartoon Drawings of Animals: This is a page where you will find cute and funny cartoon drawings of animals.
Cat Coloring Pages: Lots of cute and funny coloring pages with cats and kittens, and some cat poems as well.  


If you want to stay in touch and hear about new pages, tips and ideas about arts & crafts, please sign up for my newsletter. It is totally free, and you can unsubscribe any time!

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