Bird Clip Artbird-clip-art-rooster: Photo-cuts, Drawings and Scrap Images

The page Bird Clip Art has a lot of pictures of birds of different kinds. Domestic birds like parrots, budgerigars and pigeons, and wild birds like swans and eagles.

I have cleaned the pictures or drawings of the birds from the background, so that they are ready to use. They are saved in PNG format, which means that they are  without the white background. 
You can put them on top of whatever background you would like.

Some of the first pictures were saved in GIF, but I am changing them now to the PNG-format, because that has a much better quality, and I will also show some of them in JPEG, because that quality is slightly better if you want big pictures, and if it is OK with a white background, that should be the version you should use.


If you are looking for pictures of birds with natural background, please visit the two pages Bird Pictures and Pictures of Birds.

If you want to see clip art of other animals, please go to Animal Clipart, that will lead you to pages with dogs, cats, lots of other animals, and paw prints.

You can also go to the page Bald Eagle Pictures, where you will find bald eagle facts as well as bald eagle drawings.

Clip Art Made from Photo-cuts of Birds:


Tufted Titmouse clipart

As long as you use my clip art for your own personal purposes, you can use as much as you like.

If you use them for commercial purpose or websites and things a like there are only two limitations on your use of this original clip art:

You may not use it on websites competing with

You may not overuse it, i.e. if you want to use more than 3 pieces of my clipart in one project or webpage, please contact me. And there is no using these clip arts for negative purposes. 

That's it for limitations! Not so bad, is it? Apart from the above limitations you can use all the graphics here for free, no strings attached. (Yes, you can even use them in commercial projects as long as you observe the two above limitations). You are most welcome to credit me for the things you use, but you don't have to.

Funny Bird Clipart: 

Here are some examples of the funny bird clipart here on Clipartqueen.

You can find a lot more on the pages Owl Clipart, Penguin Clipart, Cartoon Animals.
Please see the links below on this page.

funny clipart seagull  cartoon drawings of animals seagull landing 
owl clip art big and small owl 

As I mentioned above you can find a lot more pictures of wild birds on the pages Bird Pictures, where you will see mostly photos of big birds, and the page Pictures of Birds, that consist mostly of photos of smaller birds like Warblers and Sparrows.

blue parrot on branch blue parrot clip art
blue orange parrot on branch brown Pelican 
White Pelican  bird clip art plaga 
Evening Grosbeak  Brown wood owl picture 
Wood Stork  Blue Heron flying 


On this page, you can find lots and lots of bird images.

Bird Clip Art: Drawings of Birds

Swan in lake Two swallos on branch
Parrot eating fruits clip art  Drawing of pelicane-pink 
Stork drawing  Drawing of heron and frog 
chaffinch feeding youn birds in nest  magpie clip art 
Rooster with clock  flying bird with letter 
Swallow clip art  Cute goslings clip art 
colorful bird drawings

Where Would You Like To Go Next?

Animal Clipart: The main page where you find an overview of all the pages here with animal clip art. Bird Pictures: Photos of all kinds of big birds - swans, emus, vultures etc.
Bird Silhouettes:  A page filled with silhouettes of eagles, small birds, flying birds - most with transparent background Pictures of Birds: This is the page where you find great pictures of small birds.
Owl Pictures: Wonderful photos of all kinds of different owl types. Colorful Drawings of Birds: Drawings of birds colored in not so realistic colors - with transparent background ready to use for decoration.


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