Bald Eagle Drawings - Bald Eagle Facts, a page that is going to provide you with lots of interesting facts about the bald eagle, also called American bald eagles.
The first pictures of eagles will be bald eagle drawings in black and white.
The bald eagle is actually not bald. The name dates back to the old meaning of bald, meaning white headed.
In the first 4-5 years of it's life the feathers on the bald eagles head are brown, like the feathers on most of the body. Only after or year they get the white head plumage, also at that age becoming sexually mature.
The bald eagle is considered by some Native American cultures as
a sacred bird, an image of strength, an image of peace, like the
spirits sometimes appear in the guise of a bald eagle.
The feathers
of the bald eagle are used in ritual dances, and they are also used
as signs of manhood and courage.
It has happened that people have caught a salmon or trout with a
"crown". This crown is formed by the claws and legs from the bald
eagle, still fixed in the back of the fish.
A young and
inexperienced bald eagle has taken hold in a large and strong fish,
and has not been strong enough to lift it. It was then pulled down
in the water where it is drowned or died of cold.
Gradually the bald
eagles body dissolved, it loosened from the claws, which
were then left fixed in the fish as a "crown".
The American bald eagle is the national bird of the United States.
The latin name for the bald eagle is Haliaeetus Leucocephalus.
The bald eagle has two subspecies:
Haliaeetus Leucocephalus Leucocephalus (live in U.S. in the southern states and in Mexico)
Haliaeetus Leucocephalus Washingthoniensis (live in U.S. in the northern states, especially in Alaska, and in Canada.
The bald eagle is a sea eagle, and it's habitat is normally in the vicinity of large bodies of water, such as big lakes or the sea, where their main food is fish, especially salmon and trout. But they also feed on ducks, rabbits, hares, crabs, sea gulls, actually anything that is about their size or smaller.
The size of the adult bald eagle is 70-105 cm, with a wingspan of approx. 2 m. Females are about 25% larger than males, but apart from that there is no visible difference between the male bald eagle and the female bald eagle.
The eagle flies 60-70 km/h, and dive for fish and other prey with a speed of up to 130 km/h.
Find more facts about the Bald eagle here on Wikipedia.
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