Baby Clipart

baby clipart Baby clipart - so much fun to make it!


As you can see in these first baby drawings, after making a couple of babies crawling, I just couldn't resist making more of them, in different colors and with all kinds of different hair. But I guess that is just right, as babies come in all sizes and colors.

I will also add other kinds of baby drawings, as well as clip art to use for greetings and baby showers, like a stork and other baby booties.

I am sure you will be able to find just the right clip art you are looking for. When you find it you can click the picture to see the clip art in the right size in a new tab. This is the size you will get when you use the download button.

About the rules for using my clip art, please look below at Homepage.

Baby Drawings 

baby clipart cute in green
clipart crawling baby
crawling baby clipart with curls
baby crawling bright hair
crawling baby clipart dark curls

Most of these wonderful baby clipart are made in the PNG format, which means they have a transparent background.

In this way you can place them on all kinds of backgrounds. You can print them onto colored paper and carton - you can place several of these clip art together in one picture - you can print them onto place cards, invitations, use them in mails and together with an SMS.

When I make all these drawings of cute babies, I kind of fall in love with the way they look. Sometimes I really miss the having babies, but fortunately some of my grandchildren are still young, and I have the great luck to be able to look after them often, play with them and get a lot of hugs.
And I must admit that after playing with them for a couple of hours, I also appreciate the freedom I have as a grandmother :-)

More Baby Clipart For You



Clipart of Sleeping Babies

clip art sleeping baby curls 

More Baby Clipart:

baby gift tag pink  baby boy gift tag 
Baby booties blue ribbon PNG  Baby booties clipart red ribbon PNG 

Baby Cards and Baby Backgrounds



Where Would You Like To Go Next?

Silhouettes of children: Here you will find more silhouettes of babies as well as silhouettes of older children. Precious Moments: I don't really know where to put this baby clipart page, but for now I think I will link it to precious moments.
Birthday Clipart: Lots and lots of birthday clipart with balloons and other funny stuff. Funny Clip Art: Funny drawings you can use for a greeting for the new baby.
1st Birthday Invitations: When there is a baby, the first birthday is not far away.  


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