Art Nouveau Picture Gallery

This page with an Art Nouveau Picture Gallery is made with all the beautiful drawings and pictures I have found, made in this wonderful Art Nouveau style.

First I uploaded these pictures on the page with Victorian clipart, but they are different from most of the other Victorian graphics because even if Art Nouveau started in the last part of the Victorian Era, the style blossomed later, up to 1920.
Read more about that below.

An other reason for making this page with only Art Nouveau images is that there are so many of them and they are, in my opinion, extremely beautiful.

The images on this page are actually larger, and if you click the picture you can see the larger version in a new tab.

This is the version you get when you use the download button!

What is Art Nouveau?

Late in the Victorian era new art style won a foothold all over Europe and America, the style Art Nouveau.

Art Nouveau, also called Jugend style, flourishes in the period 1890-1910.

It appeared under different names in different countries, most of the names had to do with "new" or with the organic forms that dominated this style:
Art Nouveau (new art), in Germany Jugendstil (young style), in Russia Modern and in Italy Stile Liberty.

The style was inspired by natural forms and structures with patterns of curved lines and lots of flowers and plants.

The description "whiplash" is often used in connection with Art Nouveau designs, with dynamic, flowing lines forming landscapes, people, fonts, jewelry and even houses.
It was considered a "total" style, where everything, style of life, from gardens to forks should be designed in that style. 

The style of Art Nouveau is followed by Art Deco, a much more rigorous style (if you have ever seen the latest series with Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot, you will know what I mean.)

You can read more about Art Nouveau here on Wikipedia.

Art Nouveau Pictures

art nouveau picture woman flowers


Art Nouveau Gallery of Pictures in Black and White:

Jugendstil landscape with troll
sweet dreams picture


Colorful Art Nouveau Picture Gallery:

There are so many beautiful paintings from the Art Nouveau period, and you can find pictures of them so many places on the internet.

Here I have collected some other Art Nouveau pictures from books, especially Art Nouveau flowers.

Because they are from prints in books, these pictures are a little more mixed in the colors, but I think they look great, and they are kind of special.

red flower art nouveau style
Art Nouveau flower picture
art nouveau bird and sun


Art Nouveau Borders and Frames


art nouveau frame yellow orange
art nouveau corner flower 
beautiful art nouveau frame

More Art Nouveau Images


Womans face art nouveau
woman's face peacock


Art Nouveau Pattern

Art Nouveau patterne peacock feather 

Art Nouveau Postcards:


Where Would You Like To Go Next?


Antique Clipart: The main page for all the pages here with clip art from older days - The Victorian Era, Vintage clip art, Medieval clip art etc. With an overview. Art Deco Clipart:  A page with lots of Art Deco postcards, Art Deco clipart and Art Deco patterns.
Borders and Frames: Here you will find an overview over all the pages with borders and frames on Cool Clipart: The main page for all the pages with cool clip art, business, dragons, pirates. Comes with an overview. 


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