Dog Clip Art - All Kinds of Drawings and Photo-cuts

Welcome to this page with dog clip art.  small light brown bulldog

Here you will find pictures of all kinds of dogs, made from photos I have taken walking around in the parks in Copenhagen.

You will also find dog cartoon illustrations, drawings of dogs, dog scrap images and even a few dog sketches.

I have "cleaned" the pictures or drawings of the dogs from the background, so that they are ready to use for whatever purpose you might have.
The drawings are saved in JPEG, the others are saved in GIF/PNG-format, which means that they have a transparent background and you can put them on whatever background you like.

Some of the images are a lot bigger than they seem here. Try to right-click the image to see it in another tab to see the right size of the clip art.

At  homepage you will find the two simple rules for use of the clipart at Clip Art Queen.


dog clipart dog playing bas  dog playing guitar drawing 
dog playing the drums clip art  happy dancing dogs illustration 

Dog Clip Art

Corgie with dog doll clip art  American Pit Bull Terrier png 
small dog with blue collar  small brown dog clip art 
baby dog clipart  Parson Russel Terrier 

If you are in the mood for some funny quotes about dogs and cats, I can recommend the page Funny Cat Quotes and Funny Dog Sayings:

"Properly trained, a man can be dog's best friend. "
~ Corey Ford ~

"Dogs are the leaders of the planet. If you see two life forms, one of them is making a poop, the other's carrying it for him, who would you assume is in charge?"
~ Jerry Seinfeld ~

And on the page Dog Quotes you will find cute or funny pictures quotes with dogs.



If you want to se more paw prints, please go to paw prints clipart

And there is now also a page with pencil drawings of dogs, Dog Sketches, and a page with dog silhouettes.

drawing cute little dog  small dog clip art blue bow 
drawing of corgi   dog clipart cute dog 
white little dog clipart  funny dog drawing 

Small dog Clip Art 

dog with umbrella  head of brown dog 
dog-clip-art-white-sketch black bulldog  brown and white dog 
Alaskan Husky puppy head  Head of puppy Alaskan Husky  brown Labrador puppy 
dog-clip-art-golden-retriever-1 dog-clip-art-teacher-map dog-clip-art-paw-print
dog-clip-art-sketch dog-clip-art-golden-retriever-looking drawing of small brown dog 
dog-clip-art-golden-retriever-nice dog-clip-art-sketch dog-clip-art-puppy-sketch
dog-clip-art-spotted-dog-with-puppy dog-clip-art-brown-dog-with-bone dog with gun 
drawing of bull dog  Dachshund eating clipart  sketch of small dog

If you are a dog owner, or is becoming one, I can recommend a great and funny book for new dog owners: Puppy Training for Kids and Newbies.

It takes you through the first half year of the puppy, week by week at start, later month by month (and I have made the illustrations :-))

When you sign up for my newsletter, you can choose to receive this e-book for free.


- all it takes a bit of creativity on your part! Here are some fun things you can do with dog images and clip art:


Want to spray paint the silhouette of a dog onto a wall, a child's toy box, or even onto the dog house?
It's pretty easy to do! All you need to do is print out the dog clip art onto a piece of hard card stock paper, and use a cutting blade to cut out the picture of the dog to make a stencil with the card stock.
Use spray paint or regular paint to apply dog silhouettes onto anything you want to decorate.


Want to teach your kids how to draw dogs, but they're still in the tracing stage? Download one of the dog clip art images below, and resize it so that it fills up an entire page of printer paper.
Once it's printed, have your child put tracing paper over the dog, and let him or her trace the outline and details.
He or she can color it in when they're done, using the colored versions of the pictures to know what the best colors are.


There are a lot of awesome black and white dog clip art graphics below, and they can be downloaded to use for coloring projects.
You can resize the images to fit an entire sheet of printer paper, and let the kids go to town on the image with their color pencils and markers.
It's a great activity to give them when you need a few minutes of peace and quiet.

More creative ideas below.

Dog cartoon illlustrations thin dog sketch dog cartoon illustrations thin brown dog Dog clip art poodle sketch
dog clip art sweet dog sketch sweet grey dog clip art dog clip art poodle drawing
dog clip art brown puppy dog sketches puppy dog clip art red dog
small yellow dog clip art dog standing upright dog sketches small dog with big ears


Want to help your children learn a bit more about the different types of dogs? Download and print out the various dog clip art graphics below, and have the children cut them out and paste the pictures into a notebook.
Have the notebook with you wherever you go, and keep an eye out for any of the dogs in the book.
If they see the dog, they can stop, ask for the dog's name and breed, and write that information into the notebook. It can help them to learn a lot about dogs.


This may sound silly, but you can make dog-shaped cookies for your children using these images.
Download one of the simple dog clip art graphics, and print it out. Cut out the picture of the dog with a pair of scissors.
Once you have rolled out the cookie dough using a rolling pin, place the picture onto the dough and use a knife to cut the dough into that shape.
Bake the cookies, and decorate them to be as colorful and fun as you want.


Puzzles can be excellent to help your children enhance their creative side, so download one of the images of dogs below.
Resize it so that it's the size of a page of printer paper, and print it out onto hard card stock. Take a pair of scissors and cut it into puzzle pieces. Shake up the pieces, and let your child put the puzzle back together.
It can be a fun project that you can prepare easily and quickly.


scrap dog  hound clip art  two puddles image 

Using dog clip art can make it easy for you to do all sorts of arts and crafts projects, and using just a little bit of your creativity can help you to come up with lots of good projects for your kids.

Where Would You Like To Go Next?


Dog Silhouettes: Lots of wonderful silhouettes of dogs, free for you to use. Dog Sketches: Genuine and wonderful pencil drawings of dogs.
Pencil Sketches: The main page for all the great pages with different kinds of drawings. Dog Facts: I am sure you will find a few facts here you didn't know about dogs.
Dog Quotes: Both picture quotes and text quotes about dogs. Animal Clipart: The main page with an overview of all the different pages on Clipartqueen with animal clipart.


If you want to stay in touch and hear about new pages, tips and ideas about arts & crafts, please sign up for my newsletter. It is totally free, and you can unsubscribe any time!

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